PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) treatment

What is PRP treatment?

PRP (platelet-rich plasma) treatment is a regenerative medicine that aims to enhance our innate “healing power” and to cure by using the tissue repair ability of the platelet growth factors in our own blood.

It was originally used to treat intractable skin ulcers, decubitus ulcers (bedsores), and burns in dermatology, and gangrene in diabetics, and to promote the regeneration of alveolar bone and gums in dentistry. PRP treatment has been used to treat injuries for soccer players, major league baseball players, and professional golfers overseas since around 2000.

In Japan, beginning a few years later, PRP treatment attracted attention in the field of orthopedics as a new steroid-free treatment for elbow and knee pain, tendon and muscle injuries caused by sports, etc.

Using the Growth Factors of Blood Platelets

PRP treatment is currently not covered by insurance in Japan, and it is performed as medical care outside of the health insurance system

In addition, since regenerative medicine uses a patient’s own blood, it can be considered to be relatively safe; however, it became subject to the regulatory framework under the Japanese Act on Securing Safety of Regenerative Medicine (hereinafter referred to as the “Regenerative Medicine Act”), which came into effect in 2014, and medical institutions (hospitals) that perform regenerative medicine are required to notify the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare in order to perform regenerative medicine, and thereby safety is ensured under the specified standards.


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